In the news
18/5 - 2021
Nanodisc Cancer Vaccines featured in ‘Vov at vide'
Immunogenic Polymer-Lipid Nanodiscs are the topic of this episode of ‘Vov at vide’. A podcast sponsored by DFF, made by Link here (In Danish)
20/11 - 2020
DFF Sapere Aude Research Leader grant awarded
Marking the start of the lab, the project Immunogenic Polymer-Lipid Nanodiscs has been funded by the Independent Research Fund of Denmark. Read about the project on the DFF website.
The lab's first work is now public as a preprint. We have made a polymeric tissue-residing TLR-7/8 agonist yielding…
Unge fra 25 år og nedefter, udgør 10% af de stemmeberettigede. Jeg forestiller mig at uddannelsesreformlandskabet i…
RT @stinuslindgreen: Regeringens universitetsreform risikerer at gøre stor skade på humaniora. Men hvorfor skulle vi fra de “hårde” natu…